Sunday, May 8, 2011

~Taste The Rainbow~

My friend Philly works in a bakery and decorates cakes. She is always posting pictures of the things she creates and I am always impressed with what she can do with frosting & fondant! A few months ago she made a cake that looked like a Skittles package complete with little skittles. All the sudden I was struck by a moment of great brilliance! If you can have a cake inspired by Skittles why not a scrapbook inspired by Skittles?!?! So I quickly started playing around with ideas and trying to work the concept out. I wondered around a couple of LSS's and finally it started to come together. For the pages I wanted them to be sturdy. One of the LSS's I went to have individual letter pages to create a custom chipboard book. I used them for 2 different Christmas presents & they worked out great. So for the Skittles Book I revisited them. I used the letter S for the front & back cover. I used a bit smaller letter I for the rest of the pages. Each page is covered with glitter cardstock of each of the Skittle colors; red, orange, yellow, green & purple. Since I really had no pictures to work with I created picture palettes for the future photos. After awhile I hit a brick wall, scrappers block! So I turned the book over to Laura's capable hands and let her take a whack at it. Well it worked cause once she added her awesome skills & ribbons, she sent it back to me. I then was able to figure out what to do with the front and the back covers. I just decided to keep it very simple. The letters on the front cover are the stars of the show and I didn't want to take away from that. Plus I didn't want it to be over done. I wanted the book to lay flat so I glued everything down flat. So glad its completely done!! I'm so thankful that Laura helped me out by taking over the process. I couldn't have finished it without her! So what are we doing with this book. Well my original intention was to send it to Philly, but now I might just keep it for myself! LoL

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